What is Docker Registry Stack
The Docker Registry Stack from TryDirect is built using Docker Compose - the most popular tool for running Docker apps. It contains an implementation of the famous storage and content delivery system - Docker Registry HTTP API V2. Using this deployment, you will get Docker Registry installed on your cloud or VPS server.
What does Docker Registry stack include
- Registry server docker container
- Registry web docker container
- NGINX docker container
Currently, the following versions are supported
Registry server
- latest
- 2.7
Registry Web
- latest
- 1.19
- 1.18
- 1.19
- 1.18
What is Docker Registry
Docker registry is a digital storage and distribution system for specific Docker images. Docker registry is organized into repositories, a repository holding one or many Docker images.
Who is using Docker Registry
- Developers
- System Administrators
- Companies who don’t want to use public registries like hub.docker.com
You should use the Registry if you want to:
- Tightly control where your images are being stored
- Fully own your images distribution pipeline
- Integrate image storage and distribution tightly into your in-house development workflow CI/CD
What are the benefits of using Docker Registry stack?
- Preinstalled SMTP, and Сertbot
- One-click SSL setup with the Status Panel
- Fast startup and better performance of the app
- Lower system overhead
- Linux operating system's preset settings, like network settings, preconfigured swap, and more.
- Secure servers updates
Companion apps

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Docker Status Panel - is a minimalistic docker container management panel written in Python / Flask microframework.