How to deploy to Vultr

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Vultr is a web hosting provider of high-performance SSD cloud servers that left a global footprint. It offers their customers 100% solid-state drives using the latest generation Intel CPUs on a feature-rich control panel. The company specializes in fast cloud infrastructure.

Deployment Guide

Let’s begin the deployment process:

1. Login to your account on TryDirect.

2. Go to the STACK page and find the stack application you want to deploy. Click "Deploy Now" button.


3. Choose "VULTR" provider

4. By scrolling down you will find a notification that you need to add your "API Token Key" from your VULTR account. This way the process will be much easier and faster. Don’t worry, we will not keep your tokens in our database. After deployment, it will be automatically deleted.

image: Enter your Vultr token here

5. To find your API KEY go to your VULTR account or just click  From the Main Menu choose Account > API tab. Then click on the “Generate New API key” icon

image: Generate Vultr personal accecc token

6. Copy the API key and paste it in the required field on TryDirect Page.

7. Then fill in all blank fields like Base Domain Name, SSL, OS, Region and Server with details you want and click "Deploy" button

image: Paste your token here

8. The deployment process begins. You may see the progress status and wait 10-15 minutes until it is completed. After it is 100 % completed, refresh the TryDirect page and click on Info icon to find out how to apply the SSL certificate.

image: Deployment progress

9. TryDirect offers two options for your web application stack Portainer and Status Panel. With Portainer you can manage docker images, containers, environments etc. The Status Panel is used to help you activate/deactivate SSL certificates. Here you can also check the status of all deployed services on your server. Right after the stack is successfully deployed, you will receive an E-mail notification with the link to your server IP address, login and password. Status Panel link will look like this http://your_server_ip:5000

When SSL certificate deployment is done, Status Panel can be deactivated or removed.

image: Server Info