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The web app stack deployed via TryDirect consist mainly of docker containers. Portainer is currently the most convenient tool to efficiently manage them.

You can control your machine’s Docker resources via a web interface. This means images, volumes, containers, and networks intuitive visualization.

Portainer is a universal tool in terms of the environment it works in. You can deploy it to Swarm, K8s, Azure ACI, Kubernetes (added in the 2.0 version), or Docker equally well, be that in the cloud, at the edge, or on-prem.

Portainer provides numerous governance and control tools and solutions, like:

  • Easy and secure deployment, management, and troubleshooting of containerized apps through a powerful GUI. Deep Kubernetes expertise is not needed.
  • Self-service container management system creation. You can increase your software productivity and reduce errors by building streamlined, automated workflows based on Git.
  • Software delivery automation with GitOPS integration.
  • Container environment security provision with RBAC.
  • Edge devices’ software management.

These options make centralized management and multi-cluster environments security possible for the platform managers.

Try Portainer

Try Protainer CE

Try Portainer with Traefik

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