TryDirect blog

Cloudflare SSL vs. Let's Encrypt: A Comparative Overview

Discover the differences between Cloudflare and Let's Encrypt, two of the most popular methods for securing web traffic. Learn which solution our users prefer for their applications and why.

How to install osTicket with Nginx on Ubuntu 24.04

In this tutorial, you will learn how to install osTIcket with Nginx on Ubuntu 24.04.

Monthly Report June 2024

Welcome to our monthly report, TryDirect users! We're thrilled to share the latest improvements and features that have been implemented this month. Our team has been hard at work to ensure your experience is smoother, more efficient, and more secure. Let's dive into the details!

How to make money with TryDirect

How to make money with TryDirect if you are a devops beginner, freelancer, developer. Learn how to TryDirect can save you a lot of time and efforts.

How to avoid multiple clone() in Rust

How to get rid of multiple clone() calls in Rust. Few methods that might be helpful for Rust developers. Make your code more efficient with these approaches.

OpenResty - your superfast web app in Nginx

How to build web application using OpenResty. Small example of using OpenResty in real life. Is it really so fast?

SSH from Visual Studio Code (VS Code) or Visual Studio

How to connect your new server using SSH from Microsoft Visual Studio Code (VS code) or Visual Studio.

Ubuntu - check open ports

When managing a server running Ubuntu

It's essential to know how to check various aspects of your system, such as open ports and SSL certificates. Here’s a guide on how to perform these checks:

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Linux firewall configuration

A well-configured firewall helps protect your server from unauthorized access and potential security threats by controlling incoming and outgoing network traffic. Here’s a guide on Linux firewall configuration for a Linux server firewall.

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Install PostgreSQL server on Linode using Stack Builder

This is a short tutorial on how you can install PostgreSQL from Docker using STACK BUILDER.

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How to whitelist an IP address in Fail2ban

Learn how to whitelist an IP address in Fail2ban for enhanced security and access control. Master the essential steps to effectively manage and protect your systems against unauthorized access.

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Install NGINX with application Stack Builder

Install Nginx on DigitalOcean using the ultimate simplifier for docker-compose builds and seamless deployment to the cloud. Think of it as a WEBUI for docker-compose, combined with a powerful deployment tool.