Simple Firewall - is a set of iptables rules that deny SSH access to everybody except the network range IP’s defined in the text field below. Let’s call it admin’s IP. By default, the admin's IP is detected automatically and the range is calculated based on it. Most Linux distributions have pre-installed iptables, which means Simple Firewall will not install any additional software packages on the user’s server.
Attackers' activity is usually rising right after a new VPS server is created. They often look for web applications with default admin credentials, unfinished setups, admin tools, open ports and so on. “Simple Firewall” rules were implemented and offered to protect the newly created server from various attacks like brute force attacks.
TryDirect also offers administration tools for server management purposes: Status Panel, Portainer, and Monitoring tools like Netdata, PHPMyAdmin.
Even administration tools are password-protected. This enables the“Simple Firewall'' feature to make administration tools accessible only from the specified admin's IP network. Disabling “Simple Firewall” makes admin login form public, visible for all.
Admin’s IP range can be changed to any other IP address range (e.g.